Trade Me is divided into precisely 396,017,568 bits, so even if you bought 400 of them, you’d still only own roughly a one-millionth stake in the entire business. It doesn’t sound like much, but it means you get to have a say in the way the company’s run.
The Australian small business owner’s guide to making human resources easy. More than 87 percent of Australian workplaces are small businesses employing fewer than …
Discuss The Different Techniques For Generating Business Ideas
The impulse to buy small business accounting software and just run with it can be tempting … Then go for one of the lighter programs. This guide includes both types of accounting software to fit a variety of needs. There are the obvious needs common …
If you use Facebook for your small business marketing, will it pay off? And the answer, according to one author is “yes it can” — if you know what you’re doing. To put forth your best Facebook effort, turn to The Facebook Guide to Small Business …
best known for its "For Dummies" series of how-to books, have teamed up to offer a free payroll guide for small-business owners. "Payroll for Dummies, PayCycle Special Edition" is a pocket-sized booklet offering payroll basics and tips on how to avoid …
Entrepreneurial IQ: 10 Questions to Test Your Business Smarts – then you’ve got a solid idea of what it takes to successfully run a business. But even if you have a good grasp on what you’re getting yourself into, you may still face some unexpected challenges along the way. "Starting a small business can be stressful …
Many companies grow rapidly at the beginning but end up going under later in life due to poor planning and management of cash flow, said Eric Tyson, co-author of Small Business for Dummies … You need to consider what type of people you work best …